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Contents:Great white shark teeth (1-1/8 AND SMALLER), Great white shark teeth (1-1/8 AND SMALLER), RARE- Juvenile Great white shark teeth (5/8" to 5/16"); Great White sharks tooth earrings, Silver capped Fossil Great White shark tooth pendants; Rare group of Fossil Great White Sharks teeth, Agatized Fossil Great White shark teeth, Shark body prints - set of 5, Rodney Fox autographed shark book, Rodney Fox posters; Jeweler for great whites contact info; Photo Gallery & experiences with Great White Sharks, Great White shark head mount, Great white shark jaws sold (S-416 series to S-574 series)
13/16" long | |||
#S440-1 PERFECT $85 |
9/16" long |
#S451-1 Perfect $80 |
Great White Shark Tooth Earrings Series #S806 - pg 8 Shark Items |
If you wear the tooth as jewelry, brush it with white toothpaste periodically to remove body oils & dirt. We do not recommend that the tooth be worn in water (shower, ocean, pool). This tooth is no longer in the mouth of a living shark and must be treated differently to maintain its white color (would you wear your leather shoes in the shower?... same principle). Either the tooth will be kept in a display box as a collector tooth, or worn on a regular basis and not be of collector quality after being worn. So, for daily wear, you may want to treat the root (the porous top of the tooth) so it will not discolor from body oils, and to prevent moisture from getting into the tooth tissue and discolor it.
Treatment: brush on clear finger nail polish (from a pharmacy) or polyurethane (from a hardware store paint department - from a can you can brush it on, not spray),and the root will stay white without the need to clean it again. Your shark tooth should last many years and bring much enjoyment to you. |
FOSSIL GREAT WHITE SHARK TEETH Pendants Both on Sharks page 18 |
#S-569. Paperback book, copyright 1975, book is 64 pages long by Olaf Ruhen "Shark - Attacks and adventures with Rodney Fox".
Many color photographs of Rodney Fox with sharks, graphic pictures of his wounds, of many Great Whites he caught, including underwater photos. We personally got these books from Rodney Fox while we were in Australia.
Rodney Fox sustained the worst shark attack by a 20 foot Great White, and survived. Makes excellent reading, plus being a great collectible for yourself or for the Rodney Fox or Great White shark aficionado. $45
Jeweler Gary Olt custom designed this spectacular necklace of five great white shark teeth with 14 k white gold shark designs and encrusted with various precious stones, on a 14k white gold necklace. The largest tooth is 2-3/16", the next largest are 1-1/2" teeth. He purchased the largest, and one of the matching 1-1/2" great white shark teeth from us. We're proud of the end result! Valued at: $9,700 Another spectacular job on a 2-3/8" great white shark tooth for customer Terry..14kt white gold, handmade custom capping with chunky bale and yellow gold swimming shark appliqué. Valued at $2500+! Contact: [email protected] if you wish more information, or:
Gary Olt
Strauch Jewelers, Inc.
228 Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Photography by: Robert Cattan |
SAILBOAT PENDANTS Each Sailboat is hand carved to fit the selected Great White Shark Tooth. With our Cad Cam we can now scan a picture of a yacht/sailboat and have a acrylic pattern made which can then be invested and cast in any type of gold or silver alloy.
John Haupt
714 420 5423
Anyone interested in having this or a similar design with their shark tooth, contact John directly! |
2/13/08 Here's an email from good customer Bruce, who purchased a beautiful great white shark tooth from us, then had it cast in solid silver as a pendant. He also went on the Australian Rodney Fox Shark Diving Expedition, photos below.
Re: the Rodney Fox shark diving expedition, that was simply awesome! - They are simply beautiful creatures. How anyone can justify killing one is beyond me. Being able to view from the cage at the surface as well as the seabed, you see totally different behavioral patterns. At the surface, the sharks are interested in food and tend to be somewhat more bold. On the seabed they are inquisitive, shy at first. As they become bolder they closed in on the cage, but there was never a hint of aggression. The eye is not black and cold, and there is a clear bluish iris - the eyes are forever scanning back and forth trying to work out what we were (we had a tuna and bucket of blood in the cage but they were hidden so the shark was getting the food scent but no visual input and this seemed to confuse them but keep them interested passively).
At any one time we had up to 7 sharks around us ranging from a single small male of about 3 meters, to a group of large 5 meter males, but the average size was 4-4.5 meters.
Best Wishes and kind regards Bruce
We are proud to share these stunning photos of your life-altering experience, Bruce. Thanks! Heidi |
Our Cool Customer "Wizard" from California writes us: "Here is my JAWS tattoo on the inside of my left arm. It's an exact copy of the movie poster. My wife and I are JAWS movie fanatics. It's become a "cult" flick for us, as we can recite the script as it's being played. We never cared for the sequels but the first is a classic favorite. We have several copies on VHS and DVD. I guess we are a bit different and swim to the beat of a different tide!" UPDATE 6/11/14
Hello Glenn and Heidi, UPDATE 6/15/14 I really understand what it takes in rehab and therapy for mending bones and ligaments, having been hit by an 18 wheeler White Freightliner from behind while riding my Harley at 65 miles an hour on US 101 South back in 2012. I shouldn't have survived but for 2 "Angels" that stopped when I came to rest after tumbling 90 feet down the freeway. The first angel was a registered nurse and the second angel was a surgeon. They stabilized me until the helicopter could fly me to the San Jose Trauma Center. A third angel was there when they brought me in who had just preformed a brand new procedure on another person. I was the 5th person to ever receive titanium ribs! I have 10 of them on my left side as mine were all crushed and splintered along with a lacerated spleen, 3 broken vertebrae, broken foot, dislocated shoulder, concussion and the worst case of road rash I've ever seen! I was down 4 months before I could walk again. I guess Neptune had more plans for me so I plan to live the rest of my life to the fullest! Besides the fun I have going through the airports lighting up all the alarms with my ribs, I have a HUGE scar where they opened me up that looks EXACTLY like I was bit by a Great White! LOL...It's a long "smiley" on my left rib cage from front to back. it's good for a great fireside story for sure! Here's a photo of his "Great White (Freightliner) shark" bite: Finally, here is a photo of a framed autographed "JAWS" poster and screenshot from the movie. It's signed by Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfus, Roy Scheider (RIP) and Stephen Spielberg with certificates of authenticities on the back. It's been hanging in my home for many years to go along with my other "JAWS" and shark collectables. |
And another Cool Customer - Scott, from California, an admitted Shark Fanatic, has volunteered a picture of HIS shark tattoo: |
A third customer, Rick, shared his Great White shark tattoo (photo does not upsize):
THESE PHOTOGRAPHS ARE GENUINE, taken from the Sept. '05 Africa Geographic article titled "Shark Detectives" about researchers studying Great White sharks off the coast of South Africa.
A similar article appearing in the December 2005 issue of the South African publication
The image above displays a kayaker sitting in a Just a meter or so from the craft it veered off, circled and slowly approached from behind. It did this several times, occasionally lifting its head out of the water to get a better look. Then it lost interest, and as it continued on its way we were able to follow a short distance behind. Once they had come to terms with having nothing between ourselves and a four-meter shark except a thin layer of plastic, their kayak made an ideal research platform for observing great white behavior in shallow water. Its advantages are twofold: it is inconspicuous and appears not to cause the sharks to alter their behavior for long, and it allows them to watch them in a natural situation, as it is not necessary to attract them to them with food. |
This Great White Shark was caught off Adelaide, Australia. He's 5085 pounds - that's over 2 1/2 TONS and 20 feet 8" long! A 70 pound tuna that had been used as bait, AND a full seal were found in its stomach. It was caught on a cable line not intended to catch sharks. The Boogie Man's nothing compared to this! Photos by Vic Hislop. |
This is "only" a sixteen footer, but up close he might as well be a giant! Photo by Vic Hislop. |
Here's an interesting quote from the book "Blue Meridian - The Search for the Great White Shark by Peter Matthiessen"... page 132 ... "white sharks doubtless occur off Yucatan: in 1946, on a sand flat not far from Tampico, one was found stranded, apparently choked to death by the human body that protruded from its mouth". I have no way of corroborating the story ... just thought I'd give y'all a shiver. |
Hmmm .. there's SOMETHING in the water that may disturb his nap... |
The great white shark (below) is 15 feet 6" long and weighs over 2389 pounds. Makes you feel kinda small, doesn't it? You sure don't want to face the jaws (below that picture) either, do you? |
GREAT WHITE SHARK TEETH Found in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina |
Wonder of wonders! You will read below of customers that came into the store and showed us a 1-1/8" fresh great white tooth they found on the Garden City (Myrtle Beach) shore...well, here is Becky who lives in Garden City and found ...a 2-1/16" no less! What a find! Guess the beach renourishment stirred up some interesting stuff!! Or is it just lost teeth from a 20 foot great white just offshore?? We'll never know will we? REMEMBER JAWS??? |
Our customers David & Cassi who live in Garden City (here in Myrtle Beach) brought in their beach finds (3/3/03) and lo and behold! .. they found a FRESH great white tooth 1-1/4" long...a RARE thing to find on any beach. They found two other white teeth (mako) on the beach close ARE those sharks to the beach anyway?? RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! |
Here's Glenn with his prized original Jaws movie marquee poster, thanks to Tony, a customer from way back, we have it back to proudly display! |
Fun photo op! August 1991 photo from Life magazine of a person standing inside a replica of a great white at Bud N' Mary's Fishing Marina in Islamorada on the Florida Keys. |
Our great customer and diver, Edward, took this picture of a Great White Shark in October 2002. He was at the Farallon Islands 25 miles off of San Francisco. He estimated the shark was 13 or 14 feet long. It was a male. Notice the Mona Lisa smile!! Thanks, Ed! |
![]() ![]() Here's a sampling of the excellent collection of info available on - proceed with caution, even I got squeamish. |
This 18 foot Great White Shark was caught in Japan's harbor as a menace. Photo from National Geographic. Humbling, isn't it? |
Score: Great Whites 3, Man 0 |
Customer Eddie shared with us that
Hiya Heidi, JawsFest 05 was held in Martha's Vineyard this June.
As you can imagine, it was a huge celebration of the movie. A few of us managed to secure the log cabin Steven Spielberg stayed in during the filming of the movie, it was a real honor to stay there. J
A number of us were filmed for a documentary due for release in a few months called " The Shark Is Still Working " it was a riot of a weekend.
I managed to contact Ron and Valerie Taylor to ask them to attend but sadly they had prior commitments. I wonder if Rodney would have been interested in being interviewed for the upcoming documentary?
Just about everybody involved with JAWS has been interviewed for it, it's not complete yet. Here's a link for the info: and to "The Shark is Still Working" (The Impact & Legacy of Jaws):
and Eddie's own website ---
Here are photos sent to us by great white shark enthusiasts and customers Shawn and Melissa of the Niagara Falls, NY Aquarium.
You can appreciate the size of the 16 foot great white looking at Melissa in the shark cage: and the great white shark mount on the ceiling (Note the Jaws movie posters in the background): and the great white shark jaw in the showcase (most likely from a 16 footer): They are also planning a Sharky Honeymoon off the coast of San Diego on a 4-day boat trip next month, which includes swimming with great whites (they'll be INSIDE the cage of course!) |
December 2005
Location: North Shore, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands THE ONLY FOOTAGE SHOT OF A GREAT WHITE SHARK IN HAWAII - EVER. A female, 18-20 feet in length, estimated weight: 2 tons. Stefanie & Jim Brendl not only took this amazing footage, but JIM WAS OUTSIDE THE CAGE swimming with this great white for some time, even touching her. She is IMMENSE. What a once in a lifetime experience. Thanks for sharing with us, Stef! Link below, click on "Great White" below the video screen to watch:
This is a casting of a female great white 16 ft long that was caught here in Grays Harbor on the Washington coast !
People say they are not here, but customer Scott has seen them and this is proof, it hangs in the Seattle Aquarium: |
We're at "South of the Border" at the North Carolina/South Carolina border where there's a Mexican themed Amusement park, arcade, lovely antique store and beach stores. The best thing was this 27 foot great white shark trophy mount - this shark was caught off the coast of Barbados in 1995. |
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