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Weird and Dead Stuff

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Weird and Dead Stuff
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You are on Alaska Artifacts Page 1


Page 1 (you are on Page 1)

 (Artif-1 thru 303)

Pipeline wall pieces, Eskimo Yupik Artifacts: Pendants, Clubs, Utensils, Adz & Hearth for Bow drill, Bow drills

Page 2 (Artif-400 thru 1206)  Ice tester, Ice pick, Sewing needles, Thread bobbin, Fish hooks & lures, Body armor, Sled runners, COMPLETE SLED RUNNER SET; Net sinkers, Ice shoe grips, Effigies, Nails, Awls (Punches), Pointed Tool

Page 3 (Artif-1300 thru 1635) 

Scrapers, Harpoon heads, Butterfly toggle, Whale harpoon heads, projectile points, spear points, Other Tools (Adz, knives, hammer head, shaft straightener, skin hide creaser, handles, root digger mosquito squasher, connectors, knife handles (tangs), inflator plug

Page 4 (Artif-1700 thru 4000)

Hair Combs, Accessories, Kayak parts, Shaman pieces, Snow goggles, Ulu knives, Shovels/diggers; Book on Eskimo Artifacts; St. Lawrence Island group of artifacts display

Page 5 Kodiak Island Artifact Collection (Display only)




From St. Lawrence island, Alaska

100% private land, legally collected by Native Siberian Yupik people

Tools made from fossil walrus, seal, whale average 1,000+ years old unless otherwise specified




made into the State of  Alaska


You can't visit Alaska without crossing the pipeline and wanting to know more.  It is a significant part of Alaska, and U.S. history. (Also called the Alyeska Pipe line)

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The pipeline is 800 miles of 48" diameter pipe.  It can sustain an 8.5 earthquake.  It is constructed above-ground (to protect the permafrost, and high enough for migrating animals to pass underneath), and below ground where safe.

The zig-zag pattern of the pipeline is by design.  This keeps the pipeline from separating during expansion & contraction, an innovative design thanks to James Maple, Structural Engineer.  The pipeline received honors from the American Welding Society for the superior work

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Here is a big piece of the pipeline in the shape of the State of Alaska, showing where the pipeline was built through the center of the state, from Prudhoe Bay to  Valdez:

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Here's a premier piece in Valdez (not for sale):

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Pipeline pipe is 1/2" and/or 3/8" thick steel, cut into the shape of the State of Alaska (natural curvature of the pipe is evident), buffed to a mirror finish, bolted to the wood display board, picture hanger on the back.

Anodized black/silver aluminum engraved nameplate authenticates it as: "This projection of Alaska is cut from an actual piece of the Trans Alaska Pipeline".

Note two sizes offered; priority insured shipping included

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Pipe is 8-3/4" wide x 6-3/8" tall x 1/2" thick; solid oak mount is 10" wide x 9-34" tall x 3/4" thick; weighs 4 lbs 12 oz.

$265  SOLD

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Pipe is 8-3/4" wide x 6-3/8" tall x 1/2" thick; solid cherry mount is 12-3/4" long x 8-3/4" tall x 1-1/4" thick; weighs 7 lbs. 6 oz.

$285  SOLD

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Pipe is 8-3/4" wide x 6-3/8" tall x 1/2" thick; solid oak mount is 9x9" square by 1-3/4" thick; weighs 6 lbs 11 oz.

$275  SOLD

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Pipe is 5" wide x 5-1/2" tall x 3/8" thick; solid oak mount is 8-1/4" wide x 5-5/8" tall x 3/4" thick; weighs 2 lbs 4 oz.

$195  SOLD

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Pipe is 5" wide x 5-1/2" tall x 3/8" thick; solid oak mount is 8-1/4" wide x 5-5/8" tall x 3/4" thick; weighs 2 lbs 3 oz.

$195  SOLD

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Pipe is 5" wide x 5-1/2" tall x 3/8" thick; solid oak mount is 8-1/4" wide x 5-5/8" tall x 3/4" thick; weighs 2 pounds

$195  SOLD

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Pipe is 5" wide x 4" tall x 3/8" thick; 

solid log slice of basswood, stained dark brown on front measures 10" wide x 7" tall x 3/4" thick; 

picture hanger on the back; weighs 1 lb, 10 oz.


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Pipe is 8-3/4" x 6-3/8" x 1/2" thick; 

Square solid oak backing with hanger; 9" x 9" x 3/4" thick

4 lbs 11 oz.


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Pipe is 8-3/4" x 6-3/8" x 1/2" thick; 

Oval Solid pine backing with hanger, 13-7/8" x 11" x 3/4" thick

4 lbs 3 oz.

$275  SOLD

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Pipe is 8-3/4" x 6-3/8" x 1/2" thick; 

Square Solid oak backing with hanger,  9" x 9" x 3/4" thick

4 lbs 11 oz.

$265  SOLD


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Pipe is 8-3/4" x 6-3/8" x 1/2" thick; 

Oval Solid pine backing with hanger, 13-7/8" x 11" x 3/4"

4 lbs 3 oz.

$280  SOLD

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Pipe is 8-3/4" x 6-3/8" x 1/2" thick; 

Solid oak backing with hanger 9" x 9" x 3/4" thick

4 lbs 11 oz.

$265  SOLD

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Pipe is 5" x 5-1/2" x 3/8" thick; 

Detailed oval Solid pine backing with hanger 13" x 8" x 3/4" thick

1 lb 11 oz.

$195  SOLD-J

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Pipe is 8-3/4" x 6-3/8" x 1/2" thick; 

Square Solid oak backing with hanger 9" x 9" x 3/4" thick

4 lbs 11 oz.

$265  SOLD

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Pipe is 8-3/4" x 6-3/8" x 1/2" thick; 

Detailed oval Solid pine backing with hanger 19-3/4" x 12" x 3/4" thick

5 lbs 2 oz.

$295  SOLD

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Pipe is 5" x 5-1/2" x 3/8" thick; no wood backing

Sturdy Stand with rubber end, mounted on back to set on a desk

1 lb 1 oz.

Stock photo

(1 available)




(for more polar bear teeth, see also Alaska page 6 under "Teeth", and the "Net Sinkers" on this page for small walrus tooth pendants)

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ARTIFACT Polar bear head carved as an amulet pendant from a fossil walrus tooth 1-3/4" long x 3/4" wide x 5/8" deep, by Hoover Kingeekuk, Savoonga

$105  SOLD

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Fossil polar bear tooth artifact with broken hole for pendant; 3-1/4" linear length x 3/4" wide x 3/8" thick

$185  SOLD

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Fossil polar bear tooth artifact with hole for pendant, 3-5/8" long x 1" wide x 1/2" deep

$275  SOLD

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Fossil polar bear tooth amulet (broken hole) measures 3-1/2" long x 1" widest x 5/8" thick

$180  SOLD

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Fossil polar bear tooth amulet (broken hole) measures 4-1/8" long x 7/8" thick x 1-1/8" widest

$250  SOLD

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Fossil polar bear tooth (not an artifact but a fossil) measures 3-1/8" long x 7/8" widest x 1/2" thick

$100  SOLD

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Partial sinker or net weight (newly cut off on bottom), fossil walrus ivory, made into pendant 1000 years ago.  Newly scrimmed & signed by Robert Sockpick, Gambell.  Measures 1-7/8" tall x 1-3/8" wide x 5/8" thick

$120  SOLD

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Fossil wolf tooth, anciently nerled near top as a pendant.  Measures 1-7/8" long x 9/16" wide x 1/4" thick


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Fossil polar bear tooth, anciently drilled as a pendant amulet.  Measures 2-5/8" long x 1-1/8" wide x 9/16" thick

$190  SOLD

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Fossil wolf tooth, anciently nerled twice near top as pendant.  Measures 2-1/8" long x 1/2" wide x 1/4" thick


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Fossil polar bear incisor tooth, anciently drilled as a pendant; measures 1-5/8" long x 3/8" wide x 3/8" thick


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Fossil polar bear incisor tooth, anciently drilled as a pendant
Missing enamel one side, cracked tip; measures 1-5/8" long x 1/2" wide x 3/8" thick


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Fossil polar bear tooth, anciently drilled as a pendant; measures 2-3/4" long x 7/8" wide x 1/2" thick


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Fossil polar bear tooth, anciently nerled near the top as a pendant; measures 3-3/8" long x 7/8" wide x 1/2" thick


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Fossil polar bear tooth, anciently drilled as a pendant (hole is broken through); measures 3-1/2" long x 7/8" wide x 1/2" thick


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Fossil polar bear tooth, anciently drilled as a pendant.  SUPERB.

Measures 4-1/4" long x 1-1/8" wide x 1/2" tall


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Fossil killer whale (orca) tooth, anciently drilled as a pendant.  Measures 4-1/4" long x 1-1/2" wide x 3/4" tall


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Fossil polar bear tooth, anciently drilled as a pendant; cut in half possibly as a net sinker.  Measures 2-1/8" long x 1-1/8" wide x 5/8" thick


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Fossil juvenile walrus tusk, anciently drilled as a pendant; measures 3-3/4" long x 3/4" wide x 3/8" thick


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Fossil polar bear incisor tooth, anciently drilled as a pendant.  1-1/8" long


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Fossil Siberian dog tooth, anciently drilled as a pendant; measures 1-5/8" long


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Fossil Siberian dog tooth, anciently drilled as a pendant; measures 1-3/4" long


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Fossil Siberian dog tooth, anciently drilled as a pendant; measures 1-5/8" long


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Fossil Siberian dog tooth, anciently drilled as a pendant; measures 2" long


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Fossil polar bear tooth, sides anciently shaved into facets, very unusual.  Once side started to drill through but not completed, now a half-hole.  Side is split but stable. Measures 2-7/8" long x 3/4" wide x 1/2" thick


SEE ALSO Alaska page 3 under TEETH for more fossil & modern teeth, some drilled as pendants. 



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Club (fossil sea cow rib bone) is 17" long x 3-1/4" wide x 2-3/8" thick (and weighs 3 pounds 15 oz.); fossil walrus jaw bone display base is 9-1/2" long x 6-3/4" wide x 3-1/2" tall

$685  SOLD (value with walrus jawbone base is another $275

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Fossil whale vertebrae used as a cutting tool & club and/or pounding device; measures 10-3/4" long x 5-7/8" tall x 5-1/8" wide



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Fossil walrus oosik (penis bone) with sharpened cutting edge, primarily used as a club to kill small animals; measures 13-1/4" long x 1-1/2" widest x 1" thick

$325  SOLD



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Walrus ivory, Broken bowl, has been turned into a skin scraper; "hunter's traveling bowl"; Thule period, 1200-1700 A.D.; measures 6" long x 2-1/8" wide x 1" tall


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Wooden spoon; Old Bering Sea culture, ca. AD 1000; 5" long x 1-3/8" wide x 1/4" thick

$150   SOLD

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Large ladle, made of fossil elk antler; hole for hanging; 16-1/4" long x 6-1/4" wide x 7/8" thick


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#ARTIF-203  Wooden ladle, small hole in handle, 9-9/16" long x 2-7/16" wide x 9/16" deep 

$265  SOLD

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Ladle made from horn and metal, measures 5-1/4" long x 3" wide x 1-1/4" tall

$325  SOLD

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Spoon made of horn, measures 4-1/4" long x 1-7/8" wide x 7/8" tall



Spoon/ladle, made of wood
Linear 8-1/4" long, 9-1/4" following curvature x 1-1/2" widest part of spoon bowl

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Spoon/ladle (incomplete), made from walrus ivory.  Measures 3-1/2" long x 1-5/8" wide x 7/8" thick.


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Bowl, also used as tool.  Walrus ivory.  Measures 4-1/4" long x 2-1/8" wide x 1/8" thick


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Bowl, Old Bering Sea; walrus ivory

$600  SOLD


Utensil fork, perfect
Bone, scrim etching on handle front & back Punuk style from St. Lawrence Island
4-1/8" long x 3/4" wide x 1/8" thick



ADZ & HEARTH for bow-drill & fire starter, and BOW DRILL

(other adz in the Misc. Tools ARTIF-1600 series, next page)

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Ivory adz and fire starter weighs 3.4 oz.; measures 4-1/2" long x 1-1/4" wide x 3/4" thick

$350  SOLD

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Ivory adz and fire starter weighs 3 oz.; measures 4-5/8" long x 1-1/2" wide x 3/4" thick

$325  SOLD

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Bow drill handle, fossil rib bone, curved measurement 9-3/8" long x 3/4" wide x 3/8" thick


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Fire starter section, made of bone; 3-1/8" long x 1/4" tall x 1-1/4" wide

$20  SOLD

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Adz handle / Ice tester.  Walrus ivory.  Measures 4-5/8" long x 1-1/2" wide x 7/8" thick


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Thought to be a fire starter, it is now understood to be a bow drill top/base.  Walrus ivory, measures 4-3/8" long x 1-1/4" wide x 5/8" thick



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