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Contents: porpoise/dolphin, shark, ground sloth, marlin, bonita snout, drum fish, snake, rhino, glyptodont, armadillo, tapir, ray, stingray, modern stingray barbs, porcupine fish, seal, llama, ferns, orthoceras, shells, coral (F323-399)
from East Coast, North & South Carolina, Miocene Age (5-24 million years old)

Fossil Porpoise vertebrae is 3" long x 1-1/2" tall
$15 SOLD
1-5/8" diameter x 2" tall
$12 SOLD
1-3/4" diameter x 2-1/4" tall
$14 SOLD

Atlas, 6" long x 3" tall x 2" deep
$30 SOLD |
(Example photo below, the ones on the left are bulla bones, the ones on the right are periotic bones)
average size 1-1/4" long x 3/4" wide
Miocene Age, North Carolina.
#F-324-1 $7
#F-324-2 $7
#F-324-3 $7
#F-324-4 $7
#F-324-5 $7
#F-324-6 $7
#F-324-7 $7
#F-324-8 $7
#F-324-9 $7
#F-324-10 $7
#F-324-11 $7
#F-324-12 $7
#F-324-13 $7
#F-324-14 $7
#F-324-15 $7
#F-324-16 $7
#F-324-17 $7
#F-324-18 $7
#F-324-19 $7
#F-324-20 $7
#F-324-21 $7
#F-324-22 $7

#F-324-23 $7
#F-324-24 $7
#F-324-25 $7
#F-324-26 $7
#F-324-27 $7
#F-324-28 $7
#F-324-29 $7
#F-324-30 $7
#F-324-31 $7
#F-324-32 $7
#F-324-33 $7
#F-324-34 $7
#F-324-35 $7
#F-324-36 $7
#F-324-37 $7
#F-324-38 $7
#F-324-39 $7
#F-324-40 $7
#F-324-41 $7
#F-324-42 $7
#F-324-43 $7
#F-324-44 $7
#F-324-47 $7
average 1" long x 3/4" wide
This is a traditional amulet in Japan. From ancient times, it was collected by fishermen & made into necklaces, as it is believed to protect from typhoon or accident. Today, it is popular among surfers in Japan for the same reason; Miocene Age, North Carolina

#F-324-100 $10

#F-324-101 $10

#F-324-102 $10

#F-324-103 $10

#F-324-104 $12

#F-324-105 $10

#F-324-106 $10

#F-324-107 $10

#F-324-108 $10
DOLPHIN TEETH (rare!) from a large dolphin, Eurhinodelphis bossi

From the St. John's River, South Carolina, average 3-5 million years old.
Measured over curve of tooth.

#F325-1 Dolphin tooth
1-5/8" long x 5/8" diameter

#F-325-3 2-3/4" long $28

#F-325-4 2-3/8" long $30

#F-325-6 2-5/8" long $35
Photo of Dolphin Atlas vertebrae (correction from sign in the photo) from the Aurora Fossil Museum in NC


2 pieces, 1-1/2 and 1-3/4" long

3 pieces, 7/8 to 1-1/2" long

2 pieces, 1-1/2" long

2 pieces, 1-3/4 to 2" long $15
Photo of a modern porpoise skull from the Dinosaur Resource Center in Woodland Park, Colorado:


Eremotherium eomigrans, which has been found in 2.2 million year-old sediments in Florida, reached a length of 6 meters and had the bulk of a bull elephant, as tall as 17 feet. Thick bones & joints, a powerful animal against predators. Unlike today's sloths, they had 5 fingers, 4 of them claws, the biggest nearly a foot long!

2-1/2" wide x 1-3/4" tall $12 SOLD
(skull element, (Sarda sp.)
Average size 7/8" x 5/8" x 1/2"

#F-337-10 $9

#F-337-11 $9

#F-337-12 $9

#F-337-13 $9

#F-337-14 $9

#F-337-15 $9

#F-337-16 $9

#F-337-17 $9

#F-337-18 $9

#F-337-19 $9

#F-337-20 $9
DRUM FISH JAW & TEETH (Pogonias cromis)
Miocene era
(Also known as Sheepshead) Here is a photo of a modern drum fish jaw, the cobblestone-like teeth used to crush oysters. They also have teeth in their THROATS to continue crushing their food, called Pharyngeal Teeth.

And a photo of a drum fish, they average 30 pounds:

Set of 20 drum fish teeth $8 SOLD
From Pleistocene Age, found in the Steinhatchee River in Taylor County, Florida. Vertebrae are from a Lampropeltine snake related to the King snake.
#F-339-3 3/4" across $8
#F-339-4 3/4" across $8
#F-339-7 5/8" across, deformed $6
#F-339-9 3/4" across $8
#F-339-10 3/4" across $8
#F-339-11 7/8" across $8
#F-339-12 7/8" across $10
FOSSIL RHINO TEETH Teleoceras hicksi
Terrestrial Mammal Fossils
Miocene Epoch; Bone Valley Formation, Polk County, Florida, USA
#F-341-B 1-3/8" wide x 5/8" thick x 1-3/4" long. (Florida). $35 SOLD
#F-341-C Jaw piece with one tooth (South Dakota) is 2-1/4" wide x 3/4" thick x 1-3/4" long. $45
A preserved baby rhino named Sasha was found last September in Russia, read all about it
(Glyptotherium floridanum)
Horse Creek, Florida, Pleistocene Era
Below is a photo of a GLYPTODONT at the State Museum in Columbia, SC, and a close up of the bony growths on the back like an alligator, called "scutes"
Glyptodont (Greek for "grooved or carved tooth") is a slow-moving, herbivorous member of the Armadillo family but the size of a small car (1000 kg, armor up to 5 cm thick, it was 5 feet tall x 10 feet long. The GLYPTODONT Scutes (the bony armor/osteoderm) kept this huge creature safe from predators. It went extinct 10,000 years ago. The teeth resemble a capybara. The Glyptodon's feeding habit was to graze along a water's edge, where both capybara & glyptodont fossils are commonly found. It originated in South America and spread northward to North America. Most glyptodont fossils are found in Florida.
#F-348 SOLD
Florida River, Pleistocene Era
From the giant armadillo (Holmesina septentrionalis), much larger than today's armaillo. The giants had 36 teeth, hundreds of bony scutes, both retangular and pentagonal in shape, four toes on front feet, three on the back. Color is typically black from the carbon & manganese mineral content in the ground where it fossilized. A "Scute" is a section from the external bony or horny plate, enlarged scales covering the exterior of some animals such as turtle, armadillo or the extinct glyptodont. This polygonal-shaped plate is part of the flexible armor of a giant Ice Age armadillo or "pampathere". These creatures migrated to the southeastern United States from Central and South America.
#F-349 $9
#F-349-C $9
#F-349-G $9
#F-349-J $9
#F-349-L $9
#F-349-N $9
TAPIR TEETH (Tapirus veroensis)
Found in the Withlahoochee River (Florida), Pleistocene Era

An Odd-toed Ungulate, semi-aquatic, a hoofed mammal that represents herbivorous animals today. They are bizarre creatures with heavy pig-like bodies, large odd-toed hoofed feet and long, flexible snouts like an elephant's but shorter. A large tapir lower tooth resembles that of a small mastodon tooth. Tapirs today remain unchanged since they first evolved millions of years ago.
#F-350-D SOLD
RAY MOUTH PLATES, South Carolina coast, Eocene era

Photo of large section of lower jaw tooth plate (on the floor of the mouth) of a duckbill ray. The other side has smooth chevrons used as crushing plates.
#F-351-A $8
#F-351-B $8
#F-351-D $8
#F-351-E $8
#F-351-F $8
#F-351-G $8

Above photo, compliments of the Aurora Fossil Museum in North Carolina detailing stingray barb information.
Link to photos of a 198 pound stingray (look halfway down the page on this link):
STING RAY BARBS, from Florida Rivers and Gulf Coast shores and reefs. Pleistocene Era. |
#F-352-A $8
#F-352-B $8

Two stingray barbs, light colored one is 2-1/4" long
dark barb is 1-1/8" long.
#F-352-G $8
#F-352-I $8
#F-352-J $8
#F-352-K $8
#F-352-L $8
Rare stingray mouth plate on display by Powell at the Aurora Fossil show

Rare Fossil Micro Teeth
They are teeny tiny!

Follow link to:Sharks page 13
California and Alaska

This sea lion ancestor Allodesmus thrived in the Miocene bay that covered what is now Bakersfield. Many of its skulls have been found.
Judging by the number found in the local Sharktooth Hill bone bed, large numbers of the animal lived in this area during the Middle Miocene (13.5 to 15 million years ago).
An almost-complete skeleton of Enaliarctos, the ancestor to modern seals and sea lions and to Allodesmus, an extinct sea lion genus, was discovered in Northern California. Allodesmus looked much like modern sea lions, but had some important differences.
Allodesmus had large eyes, which helped it see underwater, but, unlike sea lions, its ears were unsuited for hearing underwater. Allodesmus declined into extinction about 10 million years ago.
#F-354 4-1/2" long x 3-5/8" wide x 1" tall $35 SOLD
SEAL/SEA LION CANINE TEETH, Miocene, Bakersfield CA |

1-1/2", back of tooth has enamel chip $35 SOLD
50,000 years old, Pleistocene, Suwanee River, Florida
There are three living genera and six species in the Camelidae family. They include the Old World 'true camels', the Dromedary (single-humped) and Bactrian (two-humped) camels, and the four New World llamines; llamas, vicunas, alpacas, and guanacos. Llamines, or llamas, are distinguished from camels in that they lack a hump, they have more of a domed cranium which houses a larger brain then camels, and they have a distinct enamel "buttress" on their molars.
Camelids first appear in the fossil record in the middle Eocene of North America. From the first distinguishable fossil camelid (Poebrodon) through to the Recent forms, camelids have ranged in size from about 3 feet tall (Genticamelus), to approximately 17 feet tall at the head (Aepycamelus). Over 50 species have been recognized in the fossil record, although today only 6 species remain.
#F-355 Superb Llama vertebrae is 3-1/2" long x 3" wide x 3-1/2" tall. $55 SOLD
LLAMA TEETH $10 each |
#F-355-C SOLD
In slate, Pennsylvanian Period, 350 million years old, St. Clair, Pennsylvania; fern has been replaced with white pyrophyllite and brown iron oxide |
#F-356-D 4-1/2 x 2-3/4", 3/4" thick, 10 oz
#F-356-E 7-1/4 x 3-3/4, 1/2" thick, 11.9 oz
Riker mounts of Fossil SHELL specimens |
13 small fossil shells in a Riker mount 6-1/4" x 5-1/4" x 3/4" high, glass top. Comes with a free field guide to fossils & shells.
$22 SOLD
7 fossil shells in a Riker mount 6-1/4" x 5-1/4" x 3/4" high, glass top, comes with a free field guide to fossils & shells.
6 fossilized branch coral including one matrix, great specimens. In a Riker mount 6-1/4" x 5-1/4" x 3/4" high, glass top, comes with a free field guide to fossils & shells
$20 SOLD
Fossil Coral specimens
Age: Pliocene |

Knobby Star coral
Solenastrea Hyades (Dava)
Found: Desoto County, Florida
Quantity: 3
Measure: 1-3/4” diameter each
Weight total: 3.6 ounces
$18 SOLD |
Extinct Golden Gate coral, tun shell attached
Placocyathus alveolus (Duncan)
Found: East Naples, Florida
Measures: 2-7/8” long x 1-3/4” widest x 1-1/4” tall
Weight: 1.8 ounces
Stony coral species
Dichocoenia tuberosa coral (Duncan)
Found: East Naples, Florida
Measures: 1-1/2” long x 1-1/8” wide x 3/4” tall
Weight: 0.5 ounce

Blade Fire coral
Millepora Complanata
Found: East Naples, Florida
Quantity: 5 pieces
Measures: one is 3/4” long, three are 1” long, one is 2” long
Weight total: 0.5 ounce
$14 SOLD |

Small polyp stony coral
Acropora species (long striation texture)
Found: East Naples, Florida
Quantity: 6 pieces
Measure: Two are 1”, one is 1-1/8”, one is 1-1/2”, one is 2-1/8”, one is 2”
Weight total: 2.2 ounces
$18 SOLD |
Massive starlet coral
Siderastrea siderea (plioccaia) – Vaughn C
Found: East Naples Florida
Measures: 2-3/4” diameter x 1-7/8” tall
Weight: 4.3 ounces
$16 SOLD |

Stony coral
Manicina areolata (Linnaeus) Var.- H
Found: Desoto County, Florida
Quantity: 2 pieces
Measures: small is 1-1/8” across, large is 3-1/2” long x 2” wide x 1-3/4” tall
Weight total: 3.4 ounces
Stony coral
Manicina areolata (Linnaeus) Var.- H
Found: Palm Beach County, Florida
Quantity: 2 pieces
Measures: One is 2-1/4” long x 2” wide x 1” tall, 2nd is 3” long x 2-1/8” wide x 1-3/4” tall
Weight total: 4 ounces
$22 SOLD |
Stony coral
Manicina areolata (Linnaeus) Var.- H
Found: Palm Beach County, Florida
Quantity: 2 pieces
Measures: One is 2-3/8” long x 1-3/4” wide x 1” tall, 2nd is 3” long x 2-1/8” wide x 1” tall
Weight total: 2.7 ounces
Colonial stony coral
Stylophora granulata (Duncan)
Found: East Naples
Quantity: 2 pieces
Measure: One is 3” long, 2nd is 4-1/2” long
Weight total: 3.5 ounces
$24 SOLD |
Colonial stony coral
Stylophora granulata (Duncan)
Found: East Naples
Measure: 4-5/8” long x 3” wide x 1-1/4” tall
Weight total: 3.8 ounces
Dome coral
Dichocoenia caloosahatcheensis
Weirbord – H
Found: Desoto County, Florida
Quantity: 2 pieces
Measure: One is 1-7/8” x 1-3/4”, 2nd is 3” diameter
Weight total: 13.8 ounces
$35 SOLD |
Brain coral
Diploria sarasotana
Weisbond – L
Found: East Naples, Florida
Measures: 3-1/4” long x 2-3/4” wide x 1-3/8” tall
Weight total: 5.2 ounces
$18 SOLD |
Brain coral
Diploria sarasotana
Weisbond – L
Found: East Naples, Florida
Measures: 2-3/4” long x 1-3/4” wide x 1-1/8” tall
Weight total: 1.6 ounces
$12 SOLD |
Brain coral
Diploria sarasotana
Weisbond – L
Found: East Naples, Florida
Measures: 3-3/4” long x 3-1/4” wide x 1-3/4” tall
Weight: 5.4 ounces
$20 SOLD |
Colony coral (rare)
Dichocoenia eminens; Weisbond – H
Found: Desoto County, Florida
Measures: 2-1/8” long x 2” wide x 1-3/4” tall\
Weight: 3.3 ounces
Fossil coral
Trachyphyllia bilobata (Duncan – L)
Found: East Naples, Florida
Quantity: 3
Measure: 1-1/8 to 1-1/4” long
Weight total: 1.9 ounces
$20 SOLD |
Fleshy disk coral
Scolymia lacera (Pallas) – K
Found: Sarasota, Florida
Measures: 2-5/8” across x 2-1/2” deep x 2-3/8” tall
Weight: 6.3 ounces
Fossil clam bivalve half shell
Found: Florida
Measures 2-7/8” long x 3” wide x 1” thick
Weight: 3 ounces
Fossil horn coral
Age: Silurian (443 to 416 million years old)
Found: Florida
Quantity: 3 pieces
Measure: 2 to 2-1/4” diameter
Weight total: 5.4 ounces
$24 SOLD |
(2 different specimens)
1) Golden Gate coral
Barysmilia intermedia
Found: Desoto County, Florida
Measures: 2-1/8” diameter x 1” tall
2) Stony coral
Dichocoenia tuberosa
(Duncan) –L
Found: East Naples Florida
Measures: 4” long x 3-3/8” wide x 2” tall
Weight total 2 pieces: 12.6 ounces
$30 SOLD |
Fossil brain rose coral
Manicina areolata
Found: Florida
Measures: 5-1/4” long x 3-1/4” wide x 3-1/2” tall
Weight: 1 pound 5.1 ounces
Nice cross section of branch coral from Florida - with tiny crystals visible;
great tubing pattern is clear and circles showing the top
Measures 5-1/2” long x 5-1/2” wide x 3-1/4” tallest
Weight: 2 pounds 4.8 ounces
$39 SOLD |
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