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Contents:  Manatee (dugong), gator, oreodont, bison, horse, walrus, barracuda, weevil cocoon, turtle, Siberian wolf, cave hyena teeth, deer, fish, whale (F301-322)



Here's just a small sample of the fossils we have available.  These came from Aurora, North Carolina 

mvc-928s.jpg (80052 bytes)



Ancestor to the manatee, one of the first fossil animals in Florida, dating back to the Pleistocene era, 10,000 to 1.1 million years ago.  Dugongs had tails like dolphins, modern manatee are rounded.  These fossils were found in the Peace and Santa Fe Rivers in Florida.

f300g.jpg (37580 bytes)


5" long x 2-1/2" wide  $20  SOLD


are similar to human molars, used only for eating vegetation.  Called "spit teeth", as they wear down and are shed and replaced by new ones.  They average 5/8" across, found in Florida in the Santa Fe River. 

f300_1.jpg (168947 bytes)

#F300-1 $10

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#F300-2 $10

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#F300-3 $10

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#F300-4 $10

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#F300-5 $10

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#F300-6 $10

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#F300-7 $10

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#F300-8 $10

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#F300-9 $10

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#F300-10 $10

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#F300-11 $10

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#F300-12 $10

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#F300-13 $10

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#F300-14 $10

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#F300-15 $10

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#F300-16 $10

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#F300-17 $10

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#F300-18 $10

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#F300-19 $10

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#F300-20 $10

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#F300-21 $10

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#F300-22 $10

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#F300-23 $10

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#F300-24 $10

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#F300-25 $10

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#F300-26 $10

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#F300-27 $10

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#F300-28 $10

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#F300-29 $10

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#F300-30 $10

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#F300-32 $10

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#F300-33 $10

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#F300-34 $10

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#F300-35 $10

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#F300-36 $10

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#F300-37 $10

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#F300-38 $10

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#F300-39 $10

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#F300-40 $10

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#F300-41 $10

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#F300-42 $10

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#F300-43 $10

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#F300-44 $10

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#F300-45 $10

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#F300-46 $10

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#F300-47 $10

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9" long x 1-3/8" wide x 1-1/4" deep, 11.3 ounces

$25  SOLD

Photo of manatee vertebrae from Aurora Museum, NC

manatee.jpg (37085 bytes)



23 to 5 million years old (Miocene age), Florida

(Dermal scutes are round or rectangular plates with a vertical ridge and are found under the skin of the gator. They form parallel ridges along the animal's back).  See also Gators page 5 for modern scutes!

f301.jpg (37447 bytes)


scute is 2" x 1-3/4"  $10  SOLD

  F301C.jpg (37758 bytes)


Gator scute is 1-1/8 x 1-1/8" 



(Alligator Mississippiensis)

Pleistocene Era, Taylor County, FL

f301m.jpg (37142 bytes)


3" across x 2-3/4" tall

$12  SOLD


Fossil GATOR/CROC TEETH (Florida)

Teeth in acrylic display


1” long

$12  SOLD

OREODONT FOSSILS (Oreodon or Merycoidodon Culbertsoni)

NO, this is NOT an Oreo-eating dinosaur!

It is a short-legged, blunt-headed herbivore with 5 toes on each front foot, and 4 on each rear foot. This mammal lived 30-35 million years ago in the Late Oligocene era.  From the White River Formation, Pennington County, South Dakota.

Oreodont drawing.jpg (37707 bytes)co-83.jpg (147743 bytes)


Nice collectible!

    f302-4.jpg (38148 bytes)


1" $12

f302-5.jpg (37737 bytes)


1" $12

  f302-7.jpg (37916 bytes)


Two pieces, 1-1/4", 1-1/8"

f302-8.jpg (37756 bytes)


Three pieces

1", 1/2", 1/2"

f302-9.jpg (38585 bytes)



f302-19.jpg (37982 bytes)


2"  $26

Oreodont (merycoidodon Culbertsoni) skeleton from the White River Badlands, Oligocene Brule Formation, Crawford  Nebraska; SHOWN BY JEFF SPARKS OF MARYLAND AT THE AURORA FOSSIL CLUB SHOW

(disregard the placard behind it in the1st photo)

Oreodont full body.jpg (36200 bytes) Oreodont skull.jpg (37606 bytes)

Skeleton Skull only


Fossil BISON
bisonphoto.jpg (9729 bytes)
BISON LEG BONE(Bison Antiquus)

Tibia end, Pleistocene epoch, 100,000 to 1.8 million years old.  Peace River, Florida.  Measures 9-1/4" long x 3" at widest point.

f303-1.jpg (37376 bytes) f303-2.jpg (37099 bytes)

#F-303 $45 SOLD


Bison leg bone, incomplete on one end
12” long x 3-1/2” widest x 1-1/2” deep
Weight: 2 pounds


(Antiquis occidentalis)

Average 2" long, from the Brule Formation, Chadron, Nebraska.  Pleistocene age, 100,000 to 1.8 million years old


1-7/8" long x 1" wide x 1/2" thick $8


2" long x 1" wide x 1/2" thick $8
F303I.jpg (37203 bytes)

#F-303-I $8

f303j.jpg (36852 bytes)

#F-303-J $8

f303k.jpg (37511 bytes)

#F-303-K $8

f303q.jpg (36621 bytes)

#F-303-Q  $6

f303t.jpg (37488 bytes)

#F-303-T  $6

f303w.jpg (37669 bytes)

#F-303-W  $6

f303x.jpg (36779 bytes)

#F-303-X  $6

f303y.jpg (37120 bytes)

#F-303-Y  $6

f304a.jpg (36621 bytes)

#F-304-A  $6

f304b.jpg (36403 bytes)

#F-304-B  $6


Pleistocene, Holland

f304b1.jpg (165821 bytes) f304b2.jpg (162198 bytes) f304b3.jpg (144518 bytes)

#F-304-B  Leg bone, 10" long x 1-7/8" widest x 1-1/4" deep, 9.5 ounces


f304c-1.jpg (37609 bytes) f304c-2.jpg (38837 bytes)

#F-304-C  Vertebrae, 16" long x 5" wide x 3" high


f304e1.jpg (152384 bytes) f304e2.jpg (153284 bytes) f304e3.jpg (162438 bytes)

#F-304-E  Leg bone, 9-1/2" long x 3" widest x 2-3/4" deepest, 1 pound, 2 ounces


f304f1.jpg (158658 bytes) f304f2.jpg (147835 bytes) f304f3.jpg (143435 bytes)

#F-304-F  Leg socket, 3-3/4" long x 2-3/4" wide x 2-3/8" deep, 7 ounces


f304g1.jpg (154768 bytes) f304g2.jpg (152985 bytes) f304g3.jpg (148020 bytes) f304g4.jpg (160161 bytes) f304g5.jpg (161689 bytes)

#F-304-G  Leg socket, 2-1/4" long x 2-3/4" wide x 2-1/2" deep, 4 ounces


f304i1.jpg (147836 bytes) f304i2.jpg (145928 bytes) f304i3.jpg (152034 bytes) f304i4.jpg (157507 bytes)

#F-304-I  Leg bone, 5-3/4" long x 3" wide x 2-1/2" deep, 1 pound 2 ounces


f304j1.jpg (151579 bytes) f304j2.jpg (166519 bytes) f304j3.jpg (145765 bytes) f304j4.jpg (149087 bytes)

#F-304-J  Leg bone, 6" long x 3-3/4" wide x 2-1/2" deep, 1 pounds 3 ounces




Bison Metatarsal (foot) bone
Late Pleistocene era, excavated in Siberia
Measures 8-1/4” long x 3” wide x 1-7/8” thick
Weight: 1 pound 4.1 ounces




Equus, Pleistocene, 2 million years old, Florida

Similar to modern horse, uppers are square on the chewing surface, rectangular on the lower teeth.



2-5/8" long x 5/8" wide x 3/8" thick  $8


2-1/4" long x 1" wide x 3/8" thick  $8
f305e.jpg (37212 bytes)


2-1/8"  $10

f305g.jpg (37322 bytes)


2-1/8"  $10

f305l.jpg (36551 bytes)


2-1/8"  $10

f305q.jpg (37072 bytes)


2-1/4"  $10

f305 (2a).jpg (165053 bytes)

f305 (2b).jpg (159767 bytes)


2-1/4" long x 7/8" wide x 7/8" thick

f305 (4a).jpg (161539 bytes)

f305 (4b).jpg (147867 bytes)


2-7/8" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1" thick

f305 (5a).jpg (157328 bytes)

f305 (5b).jpg (155745 bytes)


2-7/8" long x 7/8" wide x 3/4" thick

f305 (6a).jpg (160418 bytes)

f305 (6b).jpg (159740 bytes)


2-7/8" long x 1" wide x 3/4" thick

f305 (7a).jpg (160202 bytes)

f305 (7b).jpg (153293 bytes)


3" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1" thick

f305 (8a).jpg (164893 bytes)

f305 (8b).jpg (144418 bytes)


3-1/8" long x 1" wide x 7/8" thick

f305 (9a).jpg (152119 bytes)

f305 (9b).jpg (162566 bytes)


3-3/8" long x 1-1/8" wide x 5/8" thick

f305 (10a).jpg (150682 bytes)

f305 (10b).jpg (157280 bytes)


3-3/4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1" thick

3-toed horse partial jaw with 1 tooth, Alaska
f305u.jpg (37617 bytes)

#F-305-U 3-1/2" long  $45 SOLD

f306-1.jpg (155644 bytes)

#F-306-1  Horse leg bones (2 pieces not associated), 1st is 8" long x 1-3/4" wide x 1" deep and 2nd is 5-1/2" long x 1-5/8" wide x 1-5/8" deep, 1 pound 4 ounces

$85 for set SOLD

f306-3.jpg (151536 bytes)

#F-306-3  Bone socket, 2-1/2" long x 2-3/8" wide x 1-1/4" deep


f306-4a.jpg (151012 bytes) f306-4b.jpg (148224 bytes)

#F-306-4  Bone socket, 2-3/4" long x 2-3/4" wide x 2-1/8" deep


HORSE Jaw (photo display only)
hyracodon horse like.jpg (35618 bytes)

Hyracodon (horse like) jaw fragment with teeth


Sphyraena barracuda species

Barracudaphoto.jpg (95537 bytes)

10 Million - 11,000 Years Old Miocene-Pleistocene Period
Basin / Gulf Shore Deposits
Sarasota County, Florida, USA

Average 5 to a set, average 1/2 to 7/8" size


#F-306-11 $8

#F-306-12 $8


#F-306-13 $8


#F-306-14 $8

#F-306-15 $8

#F-306-16 $8

#F-306-17 $8

#F-306-18 $8


Walrus skull w artist.jpg (63852 bytes)

Above is artist John Timmerman who carved this walrus skull & tusks from mahogany and black walnut; it was on display at the Aurora Fossil Club show; John works at the Cape Fear Museum in Wilmington NC. 


ak-neck50.jpg (162213 bytes) ak-wal15a.jpg (168873 bytes)

Available on Alaska Page 4 

under "Walrus" by Alaskan Native Eskimos

SEE ALSO Alaska page 2 under "Necklaces" for Walrus tooth necklaces



Measure: 2-1/4” long x 1-1/4” wide x 1” tall.

Also called “clogs” are a common fossil on the west coast of Eyre Peninsula in South Australia up to the Western Australian border, and inland 60 kilometers.  In 1925 it was discovered these nodules contained the pupae of insects: the weevil Leptopius duponti.
The empty pupal cases remain below ground.  Rainwater leaches minerals from the soil and deposits them around any suitable nucleus such as these cocoons.  Eventually these mineralized pupae cases are exposed by natural erosion and found.  It is believed these are up to 100,000 years old (Pleistocene era). 

We acquired these from a farm in the bush near Adelaide, Australia.

Weevil Cocoon Fossils


#F307-3 $24  SOLD


Rivers of Florida, Pleistocene Age

From snappers, sea turtles, soft-shelled turtles, box turtles and giant land tortoises.  Land tortoises had many small plates and spurs on their legs and along their bodies and necks.  Soft-shell turtle shells have dimples like a peanut shell.

f308a.jpg (38112 bytes)


1-7/8 x 1-3/4" x 1/2" thick $8


3" long x 2" wide x 1" tall
f308c.jpg (37893 bytes)


2-1/4 x 1-1/4 x 5/16" thick $8

f308d.jpg (37413 bytes)


2 x 1-3/4 x 1/2" thick $8


3-1/4" long x 2-1/2" wide x 1-1/4" thick
(edge curls down as it is a side piece)

3" long x 3" wide x 1-1/4" thick
a BIG turtle

3-1/2" long x 2-1/2" wide x 5/8" thick

1-3/8" wide x 1-1/4" long x 3/8" thick
(nuchal scute)

1-5/8" long x 7/8" wide x 3/4" thick
f308l.jpg (37603 bytes)

#F-308-L $8

2" long x 1-1/2" wide x 7/8" thickest
Nuchal scute area near neck
f308p.jpg (38146 bytes)

#F-308-P $8

f308q.jpg (37046 bytes)

#F-308-Q $8

f308r.jpg (37781 bytes)

#F-308-R $8

f308s.jpg (38198 bytes)

#F-308-S  set of 2 $8

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#F-308-T $8

f308u.jpg (38847 bytes)

#F-308-U $8

f308v.jpg (38201 bytes)

#F-308-V $8

f308w.jpg (38449 bytes)

#F-308-W $8

f308x.jpg (37650 bytes)

#F-308-X $8

f308y.jpg (38335 bytes)

#F-308-Y $8

f309.jpg (38009 bytes)

#F-309 $8

f309a.jpg (38324 bytes)

#F-309-A $8

(what are those? - they are the round nodules on the tortoise or sea turtle's flippers like armor for their legs, see below)

tortoise leg spur photo.jpg (36799 bytes) tortoise leg spurs 2.jpg (76452 bytes)

Average size is 1-1/2" diameter

f309h.jpg (37273 bytes)

#F-309-H $8  SOLD
Fossil Logger head turtle head is HUGE! (display only)

Loggerhead turtle head.jpg (38404 bytes)



The Pleistocene wolf, also referred to as the Late Pleistocene wolf (about 32,000 years old), is an extinct lineage of the gray wolf (Canis lupus). The grey wolf is one of the few large carnivores to survive the Late Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions, but similar to many other megafaunal species it experienced a global population decline towards the end of this era.


Lower right side JAW
8 teeth
Excavated from the Siberian permafrost
Measures 7" long x 3-3/8" tall x 1-1/8" thick
Pleistocene era
Weight: 2.8 ounces


Comes with Information card of authenticity.

Species: Crocuta crocuta spelaea
Found: Cave deposit: Carpathian Mountains, Romania
Condition: No repair or restoration, perfectly preserved
Age:  Pleistocene

Fossils of the Giant European Cave Hyena are an EXTREMELY rare find.  With stringent collecting and digging laws in place now throughout Europe where the Giant Cave Hyena is found, new finds are not possible as prospecting is now illegal and strictly enforced.  Prior to collecting laws, most of these cave deposits had been virtually cleaned out of their fossils by intense digger activity.  Even if you could legally explore caves in Europe today and search for such fossils, a find such as this is a thing of the past.

The Giant European Cave Hyena was one of the most dangerous and powerful of apex predators in the last Ice Age. Recent scientific studies reveal a fascinating and brutal former world that existed in the last Ice Age of Europe where Cave Hyenas hunted and fed on other Cave Hyenas, Cave Bears, Cave Lions and even humans such as Neanterthals and Cro-Magnons.  This fossil is rarer than the Saber tooth cat/Smilodon.

It first appeared in Europe around 500,000 years ago and lived up to the close of the last European Ice Age.  Prehistoric European cave paintings have been found depicting these beasts as having spots.  Certainly feared and avoided at all costs.  The closest living relative is the African Spotted Hyena.  Fossil remains discovered in Great Britain and Alpine regions indicate these locations were home to the largest of the Giant Cave Hyenas.  It stood close to 40 inches tall at the shoulders, weight: 175-285 pounds.  Nocturnal, raising their young in the caves.  They hunted in packs of 10-25 hyenas, and scavenged on carrion as opportunists.  Cave floor deposits where these beasts lived indicated a varied diet of deer, boar, horse bison, woolly mammoth and woolly rhino.  Some deposits also produced partially eaten Neanderthal remains indicating they ate humans.

Link to more information on Wikipedia


Molar, two cusps, two roots
Measures 1-1/4" long x 1" wide x 1/4" thick



Molar, two cusps, two roots
Measures 1-1/4" long x 1" wide x 1/4" thick



Canine; wear marks and enamel chipped;
Measures 2-3/4" long following outer curvature of tooth x 5/8" wide x 1/2" thick



Canine; perfect;
Measures 2-3/4" long following outer curvature of tooth x 5/8" wide x 1/2" thick



Molar, single cusp, two roots
Measures 1-5/8" long x 3/4" wide x 1/2" thick



Molar, single cusp, two roots
Measures 1-3/4" long x 7/8" wide x 5/8" thick



Molar, single cusp, two roots
Measures 1-3/4" long x 7/8" wide x 5/8" thick



Molar, single cusp, two roots
Measures 1-1/2" long x 3/4" wide x 1/2" thick



Molar, single cusp, two roots
Measures 1-1/2" long x 3/4" wide x 1/2" thick



Molar, four cusps, three roots
Measures 1-1/4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 3/4" thick



Molar, four cusps, three roots
Measures 1-1/4" long x 1-3/8" wide x 3/4" thick


F312.jpg (37814 bytes) #F-312 Fossil deer vertebrae is 1" wide x 1" tall $20.00  SOLD
f313a.jpg (36907 bytes) #F-313-A  Fossil deer jaw frag with teeth, 1-1/2" long x 1" tall x 3/4" thick $10  SOLD
deer tooth.jpg (32950 bytes)

Whitetail Deer tooth (display)


Xiphactinus audax

 "Sword-ray" FISH

The LARGEST bony fish that ever lived, it grew up to 18' long, distantly related to tarpon.  It had a voracious appetite, swallowed fish whole, some six feet or more in length.  There are fossils excavated showing a "fish within the fish" such as this fossil found in Kansas in 1982.  The fish it swallowed was 6 feet long!

fish-within-a-fish.jpg (29822 bytes)

See Fossils Page 11 for more photos of these awesome fish

(Cretaceous Period, from Gove County, Kansas Formation)

F315C.jpg (37564 bytes)


2" diameter x 1-1/2" tall  SOLD

I learned something new!  Parrot fish have not only the outer crushing jaws, but jaws at the beginning of the throat too!  Here is a fossil set of these, called "pharyngeal jaws".  Compliments of a Fossil Club member at the Aurora show

Parrot fish mouth.jpg (55476 bytes) Parrot fish mouth drawing.jpg (36601 bytes)

f315l.jpg (38480 bytes)

Associated, unidentified modern fish vertebrae average 3-1/8" for the longest, 3/8" for the smallest, found on Myrtle Beach SC.  OKAY it's not a fossil but I'm half right on this page, it's FISH!
for the set



Scaldicetus species

Pliocene to Miocene Era (1.8 to 25 million years old), found in North & South Carolina

WHALE BALEEN (not fossil)

Wide strips of baleen (which is made from keratin, the same material your fingernails or horses hooves are made of) with fringes of hair hang down from the inside of the Baleen Whale's mouth like strips in a car wash.  Plankton catch on the hairs which are then licked off by the whale's tongue and swallowed. (See Alaska page 5 under BALEEN for etchings on baleen available for sale, by Alaskan Native Eskimo):

whalebaleenphotolink.jpg (149179 bytes)

Alaska Page 6

Here is an exquisite basket made of strips of whale baleen by Inuit in Alaska, topped with a whale tale of walrus ivory and a bottom disk of ivory.  These retail for a minimum of $400.  This one is a gift from Glenn to Heidi

baleenbasket.jpg (37243 bytes)


From South Carolina rivers (St. John's, St. Mary's or Cooper River) near Charleston SC unless otherwise indicated

f317a.jpg (37276 bytes)


Partial, 2-1/4" wide and tall  $10

f317c.jpg (37849 bytes)


1-1/2" tall x 3" diameter $12

f317f.jpg (36872 bytes)


2" diameter x 1-3/8" tall  $20

f317-2a.jpg (143321 bytes) f317-2b.jpg (148648 bytes) f317-2c.jpg (147763 bytes) f317-2d.jpg (158169 bytes) f317-2e.jpg (160006 bytes)


2" long x 3-1/4" wide x 1-1/2" deep


f317-3a.jpg (151456 bytes) f317-3-b.jpg (152041 bytes) f317-3-c.jpg (151183 bytes) f317-3d.jpg (145348 bytes)


2" long x 4-3/4" wide x 4" deep


f319a-1.jpg (36865 bytes) f319a-2.jpg (37071 bytes) f319a-3.jpg (37356 bytes)


7" diameter x 9" tall  $95.00  SOLD

  f318j.jpg (136849 bytes)


3" diameter


f318k.jpg (140891 bytes)


3" diameter


f318l.jpg (138022 bytes)


3-1/4" diameter


f318m.jpg (155684 bytes)


3" diameter


f318n.jpg (159044 bytes)


3" diameter


f318o.jpg (135527 bytes)


2-1/4" diameter


f318p.jpg (134964 bytes)


2-3/8" diameter


f318-1a.jpg (159116 bytes) f318-1b.jpg (149645 bytes) f318-1c.jpg (148408 bytes) f318-1d.jpg (155416 bytes)


2-3/4" long x3-1/4" wide x 1-1/4" deep


f318-4a.jpg (166247 bytes) f318-4b.jpg (162316 bytes) f318-4c.jpg (163433 bytes) f318-4d.jpg (151387 bytes)


4-1/4" long x 2-1/4" wide x 2" deep


f318-5a.jpg (155440 bytes) f318-5b.jpg (150886 bytes) f318-5c.jpg (149597 bytes) f318-5d.jpg (160891 bytes)


4-1/4" long x 2-3/4" wide x 1-1/8" deep


f318-7a.jpg (151237 bytes) f318-7b.jpg (156791 bytes) f318-7c.jpg (145413 bytes) f318-7d.jpg (158724 bytes)


4-1/2" long x 2-7/8" wide x 1-3/4" deep


f318-9a.jpg (142538 bytes) f318-9b.jpg (163498 bytes) f318-9c.jpg (147736 bytes) f318-9d.jpg (169612 bytes)


4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 7/8" deep


f319-2a.jpg (151550 bytes) f319-2b.jpg (148816 bytes) f319-2c.jpg (157941 bytes) f319-2d.jpg (169325 bytes)


4-1/4" long x 2-1/4" wide x 1-1/8" deep (posterior process, attaches to back part of the bulla ear bone)

$18  SOLD

f319-3a.jpg (152682 bytes) f319-3b.jpg (164178 bytes) f319-3c.jpg (151600 bytes) f319-3d.jpg (167612 bytes)


4-3/4" long x 2" wide x 1" deep (posterior process, attaches to back part of the bulla ear bone)

$18  SOLD

f319-5a.jpg (145797 bytes) f319-5b.jpg (164639 bytes) f319-5c.jpg (159633 bytes) f319-5d.jpg (159221 bytes)


3-1/2" long x 3" wide x 1-3/4" deep


Whale skull piece
Measures 5-3/4" long x 5-1/4" wide x 2-1/8" tall

$30  SOLD
f319-50a.jpg (161075 bytes) f319-50b.jpg (150508 bytes) f319-50c.jpg (152399 bytes) f319-50d.jpg (155504 bytes) f319-50e.jpg (155071 bytes)

#F-319-50  Scapula, 8-3/4" long x 5" widest x 2" deep


f319-60a.jpg (153357 bytes) f319-60b.jpg (157351 bytes) f319-60c.jpg (148296 bytes) f319-60d.jpg (164533 bytes)

#F-319-60  Flipper bone, 5-5/8" long x 1-1/2" wide x 7/8" deep





3-1/8" long $16
f320-2.jpg (147263 bytes)


3-1/8" long $20

f320-4a.jpg (163502 bytes)


3-3/8" long $20

f320-5.jpg (143982 bytes)

#F-320-5  3-1/2" long $20

f320-8.jpg (146627 bytes)

#F-320-8  3" long $20

f320-9.jpg (147154 bytes)

#F-320-9  3-1/8" long $20

f320-10.jpg (141481 bytes)

#F-320-10  3-3/8" long $20

f320-11.jpg (144730 bytes)

#F-320-11  2-5/8" long $20

f320-14.jpg (144925 bytes)

#F-320-14  2-3/8" long $20

f320-15.jpg (143318 bytes)

#F-320-15  2-1/8" long $20

f320-16.jpg (141178 bytes)

#F-320-16  2-1/4" long $20

f320-17.jpg (146791 bytes)

#F-320-17  3-3/8" long $25

f320-20.jpg (152886 bytes)

#F-320-20  3-1/2" long $25

f320-22.jpg (147481 bytes)

#F-320-22  3-3/4" long $25

f320-23.jpg (148323 bytes)

#F-320-23  3-3/8" long $25

f320-25.jpg (151592 bytes)

#F-320-25  3-1/4" long $25

f320-26.jpg (145625 bytes)

#F-320-26  3-1/8" long $25

f320-27.jpg (152893 bytes)

#F-320-27  4-1/8" long $30

f320-29.jpg (143569 bytes)

#F-320-29  4" long, hole on tip $30

f320-31.jpg (150676 bytes)

#F-320-31  4-1/4" long $30

f320-32.jpg (148419 bytes)

#F-320-32  4-1/8" long $30

f320-33.jpg (150494 bytes)

#F-320-33  3-3/4" long  $30

f320-34.jpg (142686 bytes)

#F-320-34  3-3/4" long, smooth on one side $30

f320-35.jpg (144902 bytes)

#F-320-35  3-7/8" long $30

f320-36.jpg (142422 bytes)

#F-320-36  3-5/8" long $30

f320-37.jpg (151630 bytes)

#F-320-37  4-1/4" long $30

f320-38.jpg (147702 bytes)

#F-320-38  4-3/4" long $30

f320-41.jpg (146935 bytes)

#F-320-41  4" long $30

f320-42.jpg (151753 bytes)

#F-320-42  3-7/8" long $30

f320-43.jpg (146120 bytes)

#F-320-43  3-15/16" long $30

f320-44.jpg (146721 bytes)

#F-320-44  3-7/8" long $30

f320-46.jpg (147662 bytes)

#F-320-46  3-7/8" long $30

f320-47.jpg (152617 bytes)

#F-320-47  4-5/8" long  $60

f320-48.jpg (148576 bytes)

#F-320-48  5" long  $50

f320-51.jpg (147542 bytes)

#F-320-51  4-1/4" long  $40

f320-52.jpg (148524 bytes)

#F-320-52  4-1/4" long  $40

f320-53.jpg (148119 bytes)

#F-320-53  4-1/8" long  $50

f320-54.jpg (154983 bytes)

#F-320-54  4-7/8"  long  $55


(Cooper River, South Carolina) and YES they DO look like our own ears, go figure!  Here's a diagram so you can see where it is in the whale's ear:

Whiteville whale earbone.jpg (34799 bytes)
Extra-Large; Average 4 to 4-1/8" long

#F-320-101 $32


#F-320-103 $32

#F-320-105 $32

#F-320-108 $32

#F-320-111 $32
Large - Average 3-1/2" to 3-7/8" long

#F-321-4 $25

#F-321-6 $25

#F-321-8 $25

#F-321-9 $25

#F-321-10 $25

#F-321-17 $25

Partial whale periotic ear bone fossil
4-1/2” long x 2-3/4” wide x 1-7/8” tall  $25
Medium - Average 3-1/4" long

#F-321-111 $20
Small - Average 2-7/8" to 3-1/8" long

#F-321-202 $16

#F-321-208 $16

#F-321-209 $16

#F-321-211 $16
Extra Small - Average 2-5/8" long and smaller

#F-321-301 $14

#F-321-302 $14

(Repaired long end)
Measures 5" long x 3-3/8" wide x 2-1/2" tall
Weight: 11.4 ounces

Measures 5-1/4" long x 3" wide x 2-1/4" tall
Weight: 1 pound 0.2 ounces

Measures 5-1/4" long x 2-1/2" wide x 2" tall
11.8 ounces

Measures 5-1/4" long x 2-5/8" wide x 1-5/8" tall
Weight: 9.1 ounces

Measures 6" long x 2-3/8" wide x 2" tall
Weight: 12.6 ounces

Measures 5-1/4" long x 2-1/8" wide x 2-1/4" tall; barnacle on it
Weight: 7.7 ounces

Measures 4-3/4" long x 2-1/2" wide x 2" tall; large barnacle on it
Weight: 10.2 ounces

Measures 5" long x 2-1/2" wide x 2-1/2" tall
Weight: 13.1 ounces
Photo of Heidi with whale outside the North Carolina Fossil Club show in Whiteville NC 2004

Whiteville Whale.jpg (37174 bytes)

Whale balloon display at the Science Museum in Tampa FL where we went to see the Body Human Exhibit there in January of '06

fl-whaletampa.jpg (37521 bytes)

Rare toothed whale (Squalodon Atlanticus) teeth at the Aurora Fossil Museum in NC

Back bone displayed by Powell at the Aurora Fossil club show (below) from the Calvert Formation along the Potomac River in VA; a 14 foot whale, it took 6 months to prepare/stabilize the backbone.

Toothed whale vert.jpg (37221 bytes) Toothed whale drawing.jpg (40855 bytes)

Primitive toothed whale dentition (Basilosauridae sp., South Carolina) at Aurora Fossil Museum (NC)

toothed whale teeth.jpg (70514 bytes)

Whale vertebrae and other vertebrae on display at the museum (left) and whale disk pad shown above vertebrae (right)

Whale vert display.jpg (37518 bytes)Whale disk pad.jpg (37478 bytes)

Whale baleen layers as it is in the whale's mouth (left) and young baleen (right)

Whale baleen sheafs.jpg (37000 bytes) Whale baleen young.jpg (39039 bytes)

extinct whale archacocete tooth.jpg (35953 bytes)

Archacocete (extinct whale) tooth

sperm whale.jpg (56877 bytes)

Sperm whale teeth and inner ear bone

And a whale skull on display at the Georgia Aquarium, downtown Atlanta:

ga-whaleskull.jpg (37917 bytes)




MVC-441S.jpg (37384 bytes) MVC-443S.jpg (38304 bytes) mvc-449s.jpg (63380 bytes)

5/17/03.  We are at the Carolina Forest High School in Myrtle Beach SC where teacher Art Hawley (right) inspired the National Science Honor Society students to build a life-size blue whale (an endangered species, the numbers have gone from 200,000 in 1900 to about 10,000 now) to emphasize the size of the largest animal in the world (100 feet long!).  They laid out and taped together heavy plastic with packing tape, named it Wendi the Whale, and attached a rented blower at the tail end to inflate it!  Duct tape defines the designs for the mouth and eyes on the sides.  A great way to heighten awareness of our environment!  Our hats are off to you, Art, and your students!

MVC-447S.jpg (37766 bytes) MVC-448S.jpg (38095 bytes) 

Here three students from the Honor Society are ready to explain more details about Wendi the Whale, they're sitting inside the MOUTH of it!  Glenn is standing in the midsection inside the whale in the picture on the right - Glenn, there IS a light at the end of the tunnel, but the tunnel is not what you THINK!  Pretend you're Jonah, and fill in the blanks....


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